IPPC Webinars – Climate Change and Phytosanitary Measures


Climate change is having an impact on ecosystems and agricultural production systems throughout the world. It influences international trade flows of plants and plant products, and it will change the infectivity, severity and distribution of plant pests throughout the world. Preventive, mitigation and adaptation measures are essential to limit the international spread of pests adapting to climate change.

This webinar series aims to raise awareness and discussions on how climate change affects plant pests, and how mitigating measures can protect plant health, and ultimately safeguard food security, the environment and international trade.

Topics to be covered:

Webinar 1: Climate change, plants and pests

24 September 2024; 10.00 CEST (CET + 1)
Register here

Webinar 2: Risk assessment 

25 September 2024; 15.00 CEST (CET +1)

Register here

Webinar 3: Pathways and risk management

26 September 2024, 10.00 CEST (CET +1)

Register here

Target participants:

National and regional plant protection organizations including pest outbreak response experts, inspectors, administrators, pest risk analysis experts, policy developers and laboratory technicians, researchers supporting NPPOs, producer/exporter associations, extension services personnel and local government authorities